Absolutely! Many methods are available to you for accepting the Edenred card. Choose the ones which suit your activity best!
If you are an online retailer, you probably have a virtual terminal.
You can accept the Edenred card through your own e-commerce site or a platform such as Uber Eats, boucheriesenligne.be or bakeronline.be and attract all of these users to your e-shop!
Contact our sales team for an offer specially tailored to your needs: affiliatenetwork-be@edenred.com. -
If you do not have a payment terminal in-store, or if your terminal is not compatible with the Edenred card, other solutions are available:
Payment with Payconiq
Offer your customers the possibility to pay with their smartphone through the Payconiq application.
Find out more about Payconiq -
Mobile payment with Joyn
Give your customers the option to pay using their Edenred card directly on their smartphone.
Find out everything you need to know about the partnership between Edenred & Joyn.